Looking at Prednisone and a program that encourages weight loss

It’s a statistical fact that, as a nation, we are an overweight nation. You cannot have avoided the news and advice warning of the health consequences. The problem with adding any of the corticosteroids such as Prednisone to this situation is the tendency of people to continue their usual diets. If this happens, further weight gain is almost guaranteed with substantial increases in the risk of developing diabetes or heart disease. The moral of this story is the need for you to lose weight. If you cannot actually lose weight, you should take very active steps to avoid further weight gain. This stability in your weight would be the

least bad outcome.

To produce the ideal of a general reduction in your weight or to stay at your current weight, you must adjust your diet along the following lines. Adding exercise is also desirable but, if the reason for you taking Prednisone is the treatment of a disease like arthritis, moving around in exercise may not be sustainable. So, for now, let’s focus on the food intake.

  1. Eat fewer calories. For many, it’s annoying to get into the counting game but, to lose weight, you have to reduce your calorie intake. If you do not know how many calories you eat now, how can you judge how much to cut down? You should aim to lose about 1 pound a week. To achieve this, you must reduce your daily intake by about 500 calories.

  2. Eat fewer carbohydrates. This means cutting out the sweetened, processed foods like white bread, pastas and all those cup cakes and cookies you like to snack on. These should be replaced with whole grains breads, brown rice, vegetables and fruit.

  3. Increase your protein intake. If you aim for a calorie intake of between 1,500 and 2,000 per day, you need not less than 100 g of fish, lean meat and low-fat dairy products to help repair tissue damage and for muscle recovery.

  4. Increase your fiber intake It takes longer for you to digest fiber. This helps you feel full after eating and reduces your appetite.