Would you prefer physical activity to a Cialis pill?

Since the appearance of the first erectile dysfunction drugs back in the 1990′s physicians have learned a lot about the nature of erectile dysfunction. And by the time Cialis was introduced to the market in the early 2000′s there was more information on how the condition is triggered and ways to prevent its occurrence. For centuries people were confident in the fact that it’s an age-related condition and there’s no way to prevent it. Still, with the medical advancements of the past decades people realized that erectile dysfunction is largely determined by the person’s general health and lifestyle. Tests have been made and studies conducted, and it became obvious that the problem can be prevented or at least postponed in several ways. Physical activity is one of the measures that were observed to be beneficial for male sexual health and that’s exactly he focus of this article.

The crucial role of physical activity for health in general has been the hot topic for the public for the last couple of decades. Advocates of healthy lifestyle emphasize the positive aspects of regular physical activity and state that it can prevent virtually any health problem. Sure, this is a rather idealistic statement but it still has a large degree of truth behind it. Regular physical activity really has the potential to minimize a wide range of health problems that can ultimately lead to the development of erectile dysfunction. But it is really important to understand the extent of this positive impact and what exactly is meant by “regular physical activity.”

As you may already know, in most cases erectile dysfunction is caused by health conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol and a number of others. Most of these conditions have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system and the state of nerve endings, especially in the rather sensitive penile area. So any measures to prevent these conditions and improve the overall state of the cardiovascular system may decrease your need in erectile dysfunction drugs in the future.

By the term “regular physical activity” many people tend to understand a shift to full-scale athletic training, which is not the best idea especially at a later stage of one’s life. The key to success is moderation and thoughtful efforts. If you have never been to the gym for you entire life it’s not good to start pushing the largest weights five times a week while in your 40′s. The earlier you start keeping your body in shape, the better will be the result. Most specialists agree that exercising for at least 30 minutes three times per week is enough to keep your cardiovascular system in a good shape. If you gradually build up a more intense schedule -that’s fine, until you actually start stressing out your organism.

The actual type of physical activity is not that particularly important as long as you give your heart and muscles a good workout. Swimming, jogging, weightlifting, aerobics and even yoga can deliver the results you need in terms of erectile dysfunction. Keep caution with regards to cycling, however, as an uncomfortable saddle can damage the tissue and blood vessels in the penile area and lead to a decrease in the quality of erectile function. If you have specific health problems – consult with your doctor regarding the safety of physical activity in your situation. Still, in any case being physically active on a regular basis is one of the most effective ways to prevent health problems. Endeed, by employing regular physical activity you can actually obtain the effects of Cialis.

Would you prefer physical activity to a Cialis pill?